Talk at College de France, Paris

October 31, 2014
October 31, 2014

Video produced on the occasion of the Glenn Brown talk: Influences and Transformation at the College de France, Paris

31 October 2014 

Glenn spoke on the processes involved in painting. He talked about 6 or 7 of his paintings in detail, describing the evolution from initial ideas to finished work. The stages described are from sketches through to the first layers of paint, through to the final build up of layers of paint as the works transform. He described the influences from other artists that directly go into a paintings subject, transformation and colour references. He used the selected paintings to illustrate how the time involved in making a work (sometimes years) creates a layered and complex final result, and how the comments and feedback of other artists and friends is crucial to the works' development. He discussed  the context in which the work is made and shown is important as each work will influence all the others. It is also important to realise that a painting is generally made as part of a body or group of other works. 

Organised by Claudine Tiercelin, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Knowledge as part of the Symposium "The Making of Painting", 30 October 2014 at the College de France.

The Collège de France is a renowned Higher Education and research establishment in France. It was Established in 1530 by King Francis I of France,  modeled partner after the Collegium Trilingual in Louain, at the Urging of Guillaume Bude. Of humanist inspiration, the School Was Established as an alternative to the Sorbonne to Promote Such disciplines as Hebrew, Ancient Greek (the first teacher being white the Celebrated scholarm Janus Lascaris and Mathematics.  Initially called Expired Royal College, and later the College of Three Languages ​​(Latin: Collegium Trilingual), National College, and Imperial College , It was named the College de France in 1870.