Articles & Reviews
Ip, Nigel. "REVIEW | The Laughing Stock of the Heartless Stars – The Brown Collection, London." Nigel Ip (Online), Feb 12.
Brown, Glenn and Smith, Alexandra. "On Surrealism." Gagosian Journal, Sept 27 , p. 20-21.
Dieckvoss, Stephanie. "Symbiose von Leben und Arbeit (Symbiosis of Life and Work)." Handelsblatt, No.4, p.56, Jan 5.
Javault, Patrick. "Peaux architecturales, sachets Haribo et Christ imberbe." The Art Newspaper France (Online), Dec 6.
Khan, Tabish. "Why These British Artists Are Setting Up Private Museums." Artsy (Online), Jan 10.
Kino, Carol. "Are the Best Art Exhibits Skipping Galleries Entirely?" Town & Country Magazine (Online), Dec 3.
Mousse Magazine. "Glenn Brown “In the Altogether” at Galerie Max Hetzler, Paris." (Online), Oct 16.
Work. magazine. Issue June – August 2024, p.1, Jun 4.
Benne, Simone. "Alte Meister und neue Wege." Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Jan 13.
Benne, Simone. "Alte Meister und neue Wege." Neue Presse, Jan 13.
"Book Presentation Glenn Brown" Hypermade Culture Magazine (Online), Dec 27.
Carter, Lee. "What I Buy and Why: British Artist Glenn Brown on His Historical Collection and the ‘Ugly Duckling’ He Bought by Accident." Artnet News (Online), Oct 9.
dpa Niedersachsen. "Künstler Glenn Brown tritt in Dialog mit Meisterwerken.", Feb 23.
dpa-infocom GmbH. "Künstler Glenn Brown tritt in Dialog mit Meisterwerken.", Feb 23.
dpa/lni. "Künstler Glenn Brown tritt in Dialog mit Meisterwerken.", Feb 23.
Ebert, Grace. "A Trippy New Book Surveys 100 Years of Art Since the Birth of the Surrealist Movement." This is Collosal (Online), Dec 7.
epd/axt. "Künstler hängt Gemälde in Museen." Nordsee-Zeitung, Jan 14.
"Glenn Brown’s Art Exhibition at Mark’s Club." Salon Privé Magazine (Online), Nov 1.
"»Glenn Brown. The Real Thing«." Life PR (Germany) (Online), Feb 23.
Januszczak, Waldemar. "Rembrandt as you've never seen before." The Sunday Times, Sep 24.
k.A. "Künstler hängt Gemälde in Museen." Kreiszeitung Wesermarsch, Jan 14.
k.A. "Eigene Werke neben alten Meistern." Schaumburger Nachrichten, Feb 24.
k.A. "Künstler Glenn Brown hängt eigene Werk neben alte Meister." Magdeburger Volksstimme, Feb 24.
k.A. "Künstler tritt in Dialog mit Meisterwerken." Zevener Zeitung, Feb 24.
"Künstler Glenn Brown tritt in Dialog mit Meisterwerken." Zeit Online (Germany) (Online), Feb 23.
"Künstler Glenn Brown tritt in Dialog mit Meisterwerken." Frankfurter Allgemeine (Germany) (Online), Feb 23.
Kurzhals, Frank. "Kunst, die verbindet." Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Feb 24.
Kurzhals, Frank. "Kunst, die verbindet." Göttinger Tageblatt, Feb 27.
Lawson-Tancred, Jo. "Artist Glenn Brown Has Opened a Museum in London, Blending His Own Work With Old and New Art From His Personal Collection." Artnet News (Online), Sep 14.
Lesso, Rosie. "What Is Appropriation in Art?" TheCollector, Sep 22.
monopol/dpa. "Glenn Brown in Hannover.", Feb 24.
Queren, Henning. "Eine Frischzellenkur für die Alten Meister." Neue Presse, Feb 24.
Queren, Henning. "Eine Frischzellenkur für die Alten Meister." dpa, Feb 24.
r/dö. "The Real Thing." Niedersächsische Wirtschaft, Feb 14.
R/RH. "Zwischen Tradition und Moderne." hallo wochenende Hannover Ost, Mar 4.
Riddaway, Mark. "In Profile: Glenn Brown." Marylebone Journal, Issue 101, p.14-23.
Sherlock, Amy. "Mannerist on a Mission." The World of Interiors, Nov 2023, p.148-161.
"The Brown Collection." Marylebone Journal, Issue 98, p.6-7.
"The Brown Collection: a new gallery drawing from the past." (Online), Oct 2.
"Warum Glenn Brown als Künstler und Kurator sehenswert ist." Nobilis (Germany) (Online), Feb 28.
Weir, Mathew. "Jigsaw Woman." Doris Press (Online), Aug 18.
Winer, Andrew. "Glenn Brown: From the Inside Out." Gagosian Quarterly (Online), Feb 8.
Worat, Jörg. "Künstler und Kuratoren." Nobilis, Apr 1.
Worat, Jörg. "Glenn Brown: Doppelausstellung in Hannover.", Apr 14.
Worat, Jörg. "Glenn Brown bespielt gleich zwei Museen in Hannover." Rotenburger Kreiszeitung, Apr 15.
Worat, Jörg. "Glenn Brown bespielt das Landesmuseum und das Sprengel Museum Hannover." Kreiszeitung Syker Zeitung, Apr 25.
Carey-Kent, Paul. "Paul's Gallery of the Week: The Brown Collection." FAD Magazine (Online), Dec 21.
Castelain, Jean-Christophe. "La leçon de choses de Laurence Bertrand Dorléac." Le Journal des Arts (France) (Online), Nov 4.
Crow, Kelly. "Instead of Waiting on Museums to Show Their Work, Artists Open Their Own." Wall Street Journal (Online), Oct 12.
Ellis, James. "Review James Bonas with Anthony Roth Costanzo, Glass Handel, ENO/BBC Proms 22, The Printworks." Get the Chance (Online), Sep 4.
Halperin, Julia. "See Inside the Light-Filled Studio of Glenn Brown, Where Old Master Woodcuts and Frames Serve as Sources of Inspiration." Artnet News (Online), Nov 8.
Kennedy, Aine Kim. "Glass/Handel at Printworks - a bizzare and touching immersive experience." Financial Times (Online), Sep 6.
Kizenkova, Daria. "Великий и ужасный: чего ждать от нового музея Гленна Брауна в Лондоне." Zima Magazine (Russia) (Online), Nov 17.
Lavrador, Judicaël. "Natures mortes: au Louvre, <<les Choses>> de la vie." Libération (France) (Online), Oct 14.
Luke, Ben. "Glenn Brown-Gagosian-backed appropriator of Old Masters-to open London museum dedicated to his art." The Art Newspaper (Online), Sep 14.
Morrison, Richard. "I found this year's wackiest Prom - but it was the Berlin Philharmoic that truly wowed." The Times (Online), Sep 5.
Richardson, John. "Surrealism lives on – and can light up these dark times." The Guardian (Online), Mar 11.
Spero, Josh. "Artists who say: Welcome to the musuem of me." Financial Times (UK), Oct 10, p.20.
Westall, Mark. "Glenn Brown to open museum dedicated to his art." FAD Magazine (Online), Sep 29.
Gerlis, Melanie. "Art Basel returns with galleries and collectors hungry for connection." Financial Times (Online), Sep 17.
Ebert, Grace. "A Storm of Paint Entangles the Enigmatic Subjects of Glenn Brown's Winding Portraits". Collosal (Online), Dec 1.
Landes, Jennifer. "New Montauk Gallery? It Takes a Village." The East Hampton Star (Online), July 29.
"A Firenze le opere del britannico Glenn Brown." (online), 9 Jun.
"A Firenze le opere del britannico Glenn Brown." La Stampa, Arte (online), 6 Jun.
Azimi, Roxana. "Glenn Brown Expose a la Fondation Van Gogh." Le Quotidien de L'Art (Paris), 17 May, No1065, p6-7.
Cecchetti, Maurizio. "Brown: Rococo all'inglese." or "Glenn Brown Chirurgo Plastico della Pittura." Avvenire (Italy), 30 Jun, p14.
Forlani, Maria Paola. "Arte senz cofini: Glenn Brown." mariapaoloaforlani (blog) and estense (online), 10 Jun.
"Glenn Brown, la cultura popolare in 'Piaceri Sconsciuti'." La Nazione, 10 Jun, p33.
"'Glenn Brown: Unknown Pleasures' tricks viewers at Museo Stefan Bardini, Florence." Blouin Artinfo (online), 11 Sept.
"I piaceri sconosciuti di Glenn Brown." la Repubblica, 10 Jun, Giorno&Notte, pXVIII.
Lombardi, Francesca. "So beautiful that it is ridiculous (Bello da Sembrare Assurdo)." made in Tuscany, Jun, p170-171.
Mugnaini, Olga. "Glenn Brown, mostra del chirurgo dell'arte: 'Prendo l'anima ai gradi Maestri'." La Nazione (online), 9 Jun.
"Rinascimento Reloaded." Marie Claire Maison (Italian edition), Anno15, No6, Jun, p20.
Semmola, Edoardo. "Bardini Pop: Acccia a Glenn Brown." Corriere della Sera (Florence), Anno142, No136, 10 Jun, p14-15.
Spagnesi, Licia. "Glenn Brown, piaceri dell'altro mondo: Il mannerismo surreale del sofisticato artista britannico al Museo Bardini." Arte (Italy), Jul, p34.
Spagnesi, Licia. "Glenn Brown, I segreti di un illusionista: It sofisticato artista inglese, che con virtuosismo straordinario reinventa la pittura del passato, si racconta a Firenze. (interview)" Arte (Italy), Aug, 72-77.
Taylor, Steve. "My Fine Art: Third Year." a-n The Artists Information Company (online), March 26-7.
Quattrone, Raffaele. "Glenn Brown: Unknown Pleasure." Wall Street International (online), Art, 30 Jul.
Azimi, Roxana. "Glenn Brown Expose a la Fondation Van Gogh." Le Quotidien de L'Art (Paris), 17 May, No1065, p6-7.
Azimi, Roxana. "La peinture de Glenn Brown, une passerelle entre passé et présent." M le magazine du Monde (Paris), 16 May.
"British artist Glenn Brown to be Gagosian Gallery's featured artist at Frieze.", Sept.
Brown, Glenn and Oehlen, Albert. "Albert Oehlen in Conversation with Glenn Brown." Gagosian Gallery Magazine, Summer 2016, p25–31.
Brown, Glenn. "Willem de Kooning: Paintings." Turps Banana (London), Issue 17, p52.
Cigainero, Jake. "Van Gogh Meets Glenn Brown in Arles." Blouin ArtInfo (online), 16 May.
Clarke, Andrew. "Contemporary show celebrates the tools and debris of creation." East Anglia Times (Suffolk, England), 23 Jan, p52-53.
Cue, Elena "Interview with Glenn Brown." Huffington Post (USA) and (Spain), online, 4-5 May.
Couch, Erin. "Glenn Brown creates timeless pieces." The News Record (Cincinnati), 11 Sept.
Cue, Elena "En mis obras hay homenaje y destruccion." ABC (Madrid), Ano CXIII, No36.648, 1 May, p62-64.
Duncan, Jim. "Art Pimp: Glenn Brown – Past is Prologue." Cityview (Iowa, USA), 25 May.
"Glenn Brown: Appropriating And Reconfiguring Foundation Vincent Van Gogh Arles." Artlyst (Online), Jul 28.
"Glenn Brown: Metamodern and the art of the transhuman." The Meta Modern (, Sept.
Guyp, Marta. "The Day The World Turned Glenn Brown: In Conversation with the Artist." Zoo Magazine (Amsterdam), Spring, no50.
Hayes-Westhall, Mark & Hannah. "Give and Take: Glenn Brown." The City Magazine (London), p88–89.
Harris, Gareth. "Arles Exhibition Compares 'Obsessive' Artists." Art Times (online), 23 May.
Jover, Manuel. "Glenn Brown chez Van Gogh a Arles." Connaisance des Artes (France), 11 May.
Lorin, Claude. 'Inspires." La Marseillaise Supplement (France), 21 May, p.61.
Morel, Guilaume. "Glenn Brown face a Van Gogh." Connaissance des Arts Hors-Serie (France), no714, p12-13.
Munro, Cait. "Take Our Instargram Tour of Frieze London 2015." Artnet News (online), 15 October.
"Reviving the History of Art." Widewalls (, Sept.
Schwartz, Kathy. "If painting is dead, Glenn Brown is carrying on with the corpse." City Beat (Cincinnati), 22 Sept.
"When Glenn met Vincent: how does a contemporary painter stack up against a Modern master?" The Art Newspaper (London), online, May 23.
Adam, Georgina. "The Art Market: the good, the not so good, and the very, very expensive." Financial Times (online), 16 Oct, Arts.
Bellet, Harry. "Le double jeu de la frieze Art Fair." Le Monde (Paris), 19 Oct, p--.
Benhamou-Huet, Judith. "Cherchez le Boucher." Le Point (Paris), 10 Sept.
Benoit, Guillaume. "Glenn Brown – Galerie Max Hetzler." Slash (online), 14 Sept.
Brown, Glenn and Salomon, Xavier. "Glenn Brown: Interview." Gagosian Gallery Magazine (New York), November 2015–January 2016, p58–61.
Buck, Louisa. "Frieze Highlights." The Telegraph (online), 15 Oct, Art.
Burns, Charlotte. "Frieze dealers keep the faith: Artists return to sacred themes." The Art Newspaper (London), 16-18 Oct, p1-2.
Charlesworth, J.J. "Hiding in Plain Sight." ArtReview (online), 15 Oct, Online Exclusive.
"Frieze London." Cellophaneland* (online), 14 Oct, Arts & Culture.
"Glenn Brown." Wall Street International (online), September, Art.
Harris, Gareth. "Collaboration: 'Unrealism' could be the next new thing." Financial Times (Online), 27 Nov.
Leung, Rickovia. "Frieze London 2015: 10 Boooths to visit." Art Versed (online), 16 Oct, Visual Arts.
Moore, Christopher. "Glenn Brown, Redesigning Gods." randian (online), 7 Sept.
Palmer, Lauren. "artnet News' Top 10 Most Expensive Living British Artists at Auction 2015." Artnet News (online), 4 August.
Piguet, Philippe. "Reviews: Glenn Brown at Galerie Max Hetzler." artpress (Paris), 428, Dec, p25.
Sharrock, Lee. "Our Top 6 at Frieze London and Frieze masters 2015." FAD Magazine (online), 14 Oct.
Wright, Karen. "Glenn Brown, painter and sculptor: 'Sculpture has to operate in its own right - it cannot be slavish to its sources'." The Independent (London), 3 Sept, p--.
Crow, Kelly. "Glenn Brown's Slow-Paced Bid To Unsettle Viewers." Wall Street Journal (New York), 23 May, pC20.
Fox, Dan. "Glenn Brown." Frieze Magazine (London), no. 164, p219.
"Glenn Brown, art about art...." Contemporarty Art Market 2011/2012: The Artprice Annual Report (Lyon, France), p94-94.
Kronthaler, Hemut. "Geborgte Bilderwelten." ArtInvestor (Kassel, Germany), January, p82-82.
Lillington, David. "Copyist for Life: Some notes on Glenn Brown." Metropolis M (online), 9 Jan, Features.
Milliard, Coline. "artnet News' Top 10 Most Expensive Living British Artists." Artnet News, 13 April.
Stonard, John-Paul. "Exhibition: Glenn Brown, New York." Burlington Magazine (London), CVLI, August, p558-559.
Yerebakan, Osman Can, "New York - Glenn Brown at Gagosian Gallery Through June 21st, 2014 .", 16 June.
Brown, Glenn. "Artist's Artists: 19 artists write about a work that has influenced them." Frieze Masters (London), no.2, p.92.
Brown, Griselda Murray. "Landscape with visions of Britten." Financial Times (London), 8-9 June, p.13.
"Form, form, form: Rebecca Warren and Glenn Brown at the Rennie Gallery." Artliteraturenow blog, 26 December.
Gleadell, Colin. "Prices rocket for hot young artists." The Telegraph (London), 22 October, p.?.
Jager, Hans den Hartog. "Brown laat je opnieuw kijken naar oude meesters." NRCHandelsblad (The Netherlands), Cultureel Supplement, 5 December, p.C5.
Knopp, Samantha. "Art and Craft." Rennie Collection Blog, 29 March.
Lederman, Marsha. "Make Christmas meaningful with a healthy dose of the arts." The Globe and Mail (Vancouver), 20 December.
Mackie, John. "Art, zombies, the dead and little green dogs: U.K. artist Glenn Brown brings a fresh take to old paintings." Vancouver Sun, 17 November.
Quicho, Alex. "The opening: Glenn Brown and Rebecca Warren at the Rennie Collection.", 17 March.
Brown, Mark. "Glenn Brown exhibition marks new direction for Upton House." The Guardian (London), 31 August, p.?).
Fliri, Sabina. "Lust auf Apokalypse: erfolgreiche Auktionen fur zeitgenosssischer Kunst in London." Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Switzerland), 30 june, No.150, p.65.
Garrelts, Nantke. "Kunst Stüke: Warmer Westen." Der Tagesspiegel (Deuschland), no.20982, 21 May, p.26.
Spence, Rachel. "From sounds to vision." Financial Times (London), 9 -10 June, p.12.
"People Always Want to Lick My Paintings…' CultureCritic Interviews Glenn Brown." CultureCritic, May 23.
Bischof, Hartwig. "Nåhmaschine & Regenschirm." Die Furche (Vienna), 11 Aug, p.32.
Draeger, Volkmar. "Zwischen Schönheit und Vergänglichkeit." In: Neues Deutschland, 12 May, p.12.
Garrelts, Nantke. "Kunst Stüke: Warmer Westen." Der Tagesspiegel (Deuschland), no.20982, 21 May, p.26.
Lafontaine, M.E.. "Go See - Berlin: Glenn Brown at Max Hetzler Gallery." Art Observed (Online), 15 May.
Linden, G. "Don't Miss - Geneva: Glenn Brown at Gagosian Gallery." Art Observed (Online), 19 July.
Pascucci, Marisa J. "Glenn Brown." The Art Economist (Florida/New York City), Volume1/Issue 10/2011, p.35.
Prince, Mark. "Pinselstriche, die auf der Leinwand verrotten." Die Welt (Deuschland), 14 May, p.28.
Probst, Ursula Maria. "Le Surrealisme, c'est moi!" Kunstforum (Vienna), Aug-Sept, 2011, pp.388-390.
Radunsky, Clara. "Surreale Welten." Die Presse (Vienna), 10 June, p.31.
Schlocker, Edith. "Antennenwels statt Hummer." Tiroler Tageszeitung (Kitzbuhel/Innsbruck) 8 Sept.
Vogel, Sabine. "Dalis Schnurrbart trifft auf Schinwalds Karpfen." Die Presse (Vienna), 22 June.
Ackermann, Tim. "Die Indiskreten Masken von Mister Brown." Architectural Digest (Deuschland/ Österreich), no.110, June, pp.94-96.
Duggan, Bob. "Variety Show: The Art of Glenn Brown." Big Think, 11 October.
Gallais, Jean-Marie. "Glenn Brown, Tate, Liverpool." Frog, no.9, pp.102-05.
Langbein, Julia. "Review: Second Hand.", September 16.
Quattrone, Raffaele. "Modernity and Art Field: Toward New Cultural References." Equipèco, no. 26, p. 22-27.
Seo, Jung-im. "Specters in Art History Deconstructed by Moving Paintings." Public Art, September, pp.104-11.
Sewell, Brian. "Book Review: Glenn Brown." World of Interiors, October, p.79.
Anderson, Vicky. "Taking a Fresh Look at Art." Daily Post, February 6, pp.4-5.
Brown, Christopher. "Glenn Brown's Unusual Obsessions." Metro, February 20, Life, p.25.
Brown, Jonathan. "A Real Scene Stealer." The Independent (London), February 16. pp.14-15.
Cairns, Steven. "Picks: Art Now: Beating the Bounds."
"The Changing Man.", March, p. 12.
Clark, Robert. "Exhibitions: Glenn Brown." The Guardian:The Guide, February 21-27, p.38.
Coxhead, Gabriel. "Art Latest: Glenn Brown." Time Out, October 23.
Darwent, Charles. "The Fine Art of Copycatting." The Independent on Sunday (London), January 25, pp.64-65.
Degen, Natasha. "Previews." Artforum, January, p.123.
Gayford, Martin. "Goo at Gagosian; Keifer Ghosts; Riley's Curves: UK Galleries."
Gingeras, Alison M., and Rochelle Steiner. "A Careful Concoction of 'Push' and 'Pull'." Tate, etc., Spring, pp.38-47.
Goldstein, Joseph L. "Lasker Awards and papal portraiture: turning fields upside down." Nature Medicine, vol. 15, no. 10, October, p.1137-1140.
Hausmann, Julia. "Zuruck blicken - Wendungen vollziehen." Kunst+Unterricht (Germany), Heft 336/337/2009, p.17.
Herbert, Martin. "Glenn Brown." Frieze, no.124 (June/July/August), pp.186.
Herbert, Martin. "Best of 2009." Artforum International, no.4 (December), pp.202-03.
"Il 'rococo impazzito' di Glenn Brown in mostra alla Findazione Sandretto." La Stampa: Torino e, May 28, p.4.
Januszczak, Waldemar. "The Thinking Man's Painter." The Times (London), March 22, pp.18-19.
Jones, Catherine. "Review: Glenn Brown Retrospective." Liverpool Echo, February 25, p.27.
Kent, Sarah. "Putrid Beauty." Modern Painters 21, no.4 (May), pp.34-36.
Lack, Jessica. "Exhibitions: Glenn Brown, London." The Guardian, October 10.
Lubbock, Tom. "Highlights of 2009:Art." The Independent (London), January 2, p.9.
MacRitchie, Lynn. "Glenn Brown, an Interview." Art in America 97, no.4 (April), pp.90-101.
Pietsch, Hans. "Ein kreativer Dieb." Art: Das Kunstmagazin, July, p.42-49.
Robinson, Walter. "Glenn Brown Retrospective.", February 12.
Rose, Rebecca. "Devil in the Detail." Financial Times (London), February 28.
"Themen:Malerei." ART:Das Kunstmagazin (Hambuerg), no.15 (July).
Trigg, David. "Painting Paintings: Glenn Brown Interviewed." Art Monthly (London), no.325 (April), pp.1-4.
Wright, Karen. "Glenn Brown-Simply a Great Artist." and The Independent (London), February 23.
Wullschlager, Jackie. "Frieze special: Elan about town." Financial Times, October 9.
Fishof, Ohad. "Correlation of Desires: An Interview with Doreet LeVitte Harten." Studio: Israeli Art Magazine, January-February , pp.40-48.
"Glenn Brown Exhibits Paintings at Kunsthistoriches Museum in Vienna.", May,
Alpers, Svetlana, and Matthew Collings. "The Painter: Fictions of the Studio, the Shadows of the Photographic, and Contemporary Ghosts of Empathy." Modern Painters 75 (February), pp.76-83.
Campbell-Johnson, Rachel. "Old Masters, Young Pretenders." The Times (London), May 8, p.14.
Kalhama, Pilvi. "Medioista maalaukseen." Taide (Helsinki), January, pp.38-43.
Peitz, Dirk. "Preview: Es wird verdammt symbolisch in Wuppertal." Monopol, June, p. 108.
Wright, Jeffrey Cyphers. "Kindling the spirits." Chelsea Now (New York), May 11-17, p.23.
Grant, Daniel. "Collecting Advice." Art News 105, no.8(September), p.100.
Wittneven, Katrin. "Frankensteins Sohn." Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), February 18.
Bishop, Claire. "But Is It-Installation Art?" Tate etc., Spring, pp.26-35.
Coomer, Martin. "Review: Glenn Brown at Haunch of Venison." Time Out (London), January 12, p.58.
Gleadell, Colin. "London Hits the $100 Million Mark." Art Monthly (London), no. 285 (April 5), pp. 38-39.
---. "Painting by Numbers." ArtReview, April, pp. 47-48.
Heiser, Jörg. "Master and Minion." Parkett, no.75, pp.133-39.
Higgie, Jennifer. "He Paints Paint." Parkett, no.75, pp.106-09.
Myers, Terry R. "Coming Up Roses." ArtReview, June/July, pp.38-40.
Smith, Trevor. "The Fantastic Voyage of Glenn Brown." Parkett, no.75, pp.116-21.
Brown, Glenn. "Questionnaire: Glenn Brown." Frieze,no.85 (September), p.132.
Burnett, Craig. "Glenn Brown: The Divine and the Dirty." Contemporary (London), no.66 (October), pp.37-42.
Charlesworth, J. J. "Fever." Flash Art,no.239 (November/December), pp.84-87.
Collings, Matthew. "Diary: Getting Ahead in New York." Modern Painters 17, no.2 (Summer), pp.18-23.
Cumming, Laura. "To Make Your City, First Take an Egg." Review, supplement to The Observer (London), September 19, p.10.
Darwent, Charles. "Homage or Vampirism? No Contest." The Independent on Sunday (London), September 19, p.25.
Dormant, Richard. "A Magritte for Our Age." The Daily Telegraph (London), September 22, p.21.
Ebony, David. "First Night: :Lost in Space with a Master of Illusionist Art." The Times (London), September 16.
Ebony, David. "Review: Glenn Brown at Gagosian." Art in America, vol. 92, no. 9 (Oct.), p. 156.
Goodbody, Bridget L. "Glenn Brown, Gagosian Gallery." Time Out (New York), April 1, p.60.
Guner, Fisun. "Copy and Pastiche." The Times (London), September 20.
Hackworth, Nick. "Dr. Frankenstein's Pick-and-Mix Show." Evening Standard (London), September 14, p.63.
Herbert, Martin. "Preview: Glenn Brown at Serpentine Gallery." Artforum 63, no.1 (September), p.113.
Januszczak, Waldemar. "Look Here-Brit Art Has Entered a Brave New World." Culture Magazine, supplement to The Sunday Times (London), September 19, p.11.
Johnston, Rachel Campbell. "Passion of an Illusionist Who Leaves Us Lost in Space." The Times (London), September 15, p.10.
---. "Sci-Fi Deceptions that Seduce." The Times (London), September 15, p.9.
Jones, Jonathan. "Dawn of the Dead." The Guardian (London), Sept. 16, pp. 14-15.
Kent, Sarah. "Altered States." Time Out (London), September 22, p.60.
Laguente, Pablo. "Glenn Brown: Classic Contemporary." Flash Art, no.236 (May/June), pp.110-12.
L. B., "Verbatim: Glenn Brown." The Art Newspaper (London), no.151 (September), pp.110-12.
Lillington, David. "Kopiist Voor Het Leven: Notities bij een gesprek met Glenn Brown." Metropolis M (Utrecht, Netherlands), no.6 (December/January), pp.101-13.
Lubbock, Tom. "Brushing Up on the Cliches." The Independent (London), September 21, pp.12-13.
Macmillan, Ian. "You Take My Place in This Showdown." Modern Painters 17, no.3 (Autumn), pp.78-81.
Martin, Esmeralda. "Glenn Brown: Do Artists Dream of Electric Landscapes?" Belio (Madrid), no.13, pp.31-36.
"Modern Classic." ArtReview, March 22.
Packer, William. "Glenn Brown, Serpentine Gallery, London." Financial Times Europe (London), September 23, p.15.
Prince, Mark. "Pop Art." Art Monthly (London), no.276 (May), pp.6-9.
Rodriguez, Edel. "Glenn Brown at Gagosian." The New Yorker, March 29, pp.16-17.
Vallese, Gloria. "Glenn Brown, Nato per spiazzare." Arte (Rome), no.374, pp.126-30.
Wilsher, Mark. "Judgement Call." Art Monthly (London), no.280 (October), pp.7-10.
Wilson, Michael. "Review: Glenn Brown at Gagosian Gallery." Artforum 42, no.10 (Summer), p.246.
Adams, Brooks. "Picabia: The New Paradigm." Art in America 91, no.3(March), pp.84-91.
Asmus, Dieter. "Heiliger auf Umlaufbahn." Kunstzeitung, no.82 (June), p.25.
La Placa, Joe, and Walter Robinson. "New London Sun." Artnet Magazine, October.
Nochlin, Linda. "New Tricks for an Old Dog: The Return of Painting." Contemporary (London), no.38, pp.18-23.
Bracewell, Michael. "History for Pissing On." Tate Magazine, no.29 (Summer), pp.34-39.
Bush, Kate. "Cher Peintre, Lieber Maler, Dear Painter." Artforum 41, no.2 (October), p.148.
Dent, Nick. "Copy Boy." Black and White (London), no.61 (June/July), p.18.
Edwards, Natasha. "Cher Peintre Peins-Moi!" Modern Painters 15, no.3 (Autumn), p.145.
Foster, Stephen. "Painting as a Foreign Language," Contemporary (London), special issue, June/July/August, pp.148-49.
Gute, Charles, Peter Herbstreuth, Samuele Menin, and Michele Robecchi. "Focus Painting, Part One." Flash Art, no.226 (October), p.80.
Muchnic, Suzanne. "Glenn Brown: Patrick Painter." Art News 101, no.1 (January), p.125.
Tufnell, Ben. "Dear Painter, Paint Me: Painting the Figure since Late Picabia." Contemporary (London), no.43 (September), pp.90-91.
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Lydiate, Henry. "Copyright: Originality." Art Monthly (London), no.243 (February), pp.52-53.
Alberge, Dalya, and Ian Cobain. "Copycat Row as The Times Reveals Turner Prize Artist's Inspiration." The Times (London), November 28, pp.1, 3.
Cobain, Ian. "Portrait of an Artist Caught in a Pretty Bad Light." The Times (London), November 29, p.3.
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---. "Farewell Then, Britart." The Times,October 25, Arts, pp.20-21.
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Gibb, Francis. "Lawyers Advise on a Claim for Compensation." The Times (London), November 29, p.3.
Grant, Simon. "Turner Prize." Tate Magazine, no.23 (Winter), p.90.
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---. John Moores 21 exhibition review. The Guardian (London), September 28, p.13.
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Sladen, Mark. "Glenn Brown: The Day the World Turned Auerbach." Art/Text (international edition), no.64 (February/March/April), pp.42-45.
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Kent, Sarah. "It's a Sensation! But Is It Art?" Time Out (London), September 10, pp.4-5, 13.
Kyte, Matthew, and Darren Lees. "Glenn Brown in Conversation at His Studio." The Slade Journal (London) I (Summer), pp.27-34.
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Dannatt, Adian. "Brilliant." Flash Art, no.186 (January/February), pp.96-97.
Feaver, William. "Crooked Style." The Observer Review (London), November 17, p.9.
Feldman, Melissa. "Twenty-one Days of Darkness." Art Monthly (London), no.88 (April), pp.39-40.
Findlay, Judy. "Twenty-one Days of Darkness." Flash Art, no.189 (June/July), pp.99, 30.
Graham-Dixon, Andrew. "On the Surface." The Independent Tabloid (London), November 19, pp.4-5.
Hilton, Tim. "The Best Painting in Britain?" The Independent on Sunday (London), November 17, p.30.
Searle, Adrian. "The Best of British Painting?" The Guardian (London), November 11, p.10.
Wilson, Andrew. "The Vision Thing." Art Monthly (London), no.202 (December), pp.7-9.
Archer, Michael. "Licensed to Paint." Art Monthly (London), no.186 (May), pp.8-10.
Auty, Giles. "Edge of the Black Hole." The Spectator (London), April 15, p.42.
Brown, Glenn. "Glenn Brown on George Condo's Clownmaker: A Brush with Genius 20." The Guardian (London), November 14, p.9.
---. "Glenn Brown on Willem de Kooning: Paintings at the Tate Gallery." Frieze, no.22 (May), pp.54-55.
Cafopoulos, Catherine. "Glenn Brown at Karsten Schubert." Arti (Athens) 27 (November/December), pp.208-11.
Collings, Matthew. "Welcome to Our Repartee." Modern Painters 8, no.4 (Winter), pp.24-28.
Coomer, Martin. "From Here." Time Out (London), April 19, p.46.
Cork, Richard. "Bright Young Things at Work and Play." The Times (London), September 26, p.32.
Dorment, Richard. "Funny, but Too Peculiar." The Daily Telegraph (London), September 20, p.16.
Gayford, Martin. "The Medium that Refused to Die." The Daily Telegraph (London), April 12, p.19.
Hall, James. "Old Habits Die Hard." The Guardian (London), September 25, p.6.
Hilton, Tim. "Fate, Hopelessness, Little Clarity." The Independent on Sunday (London), April 9, Sunday Review,p.31.
Hooper, Mark. "Space 1995." The Face (London), no.86 (November), pp.84-85.
Hyman, James. "Presences and Spectral Traces." Galleries Magazine (London), July, p.12.
Kent, Sarah. "Glenn Brown, Karsten Schubert." Time Out (London), July 26, p.52.
---. "Pretty Vacant." Time Out (London), October 4, p.51.
McEwen, John. "Young British Artists V." The Sunday Telegraph (London), October 1.
Morgan, Stuart. "Anglo-Saxon Attitudes." Frieze, no.21 (March/April), p.7.
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Norman, Geraldine. "Stampede Starts from Here." The Independent (London), April 3, p.7.
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Searle, Adrian. "Any Colour You Like as Long as It's a Joke." The Independent (London), April 4, p.21.
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Hilton, Tim. "Familiar Signs of a Misspent Youth." The Independent on Sunday (London). February 7, p.18.
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Morgan, Stuart. "Confessions of a Body Snatcher." Frieze, no.12 (October), pp.52-55.
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Packer, William. "Crème de la Crème Goes Sour." Financial Times (London), February 2, p.13.
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Lorent, Claude. "Quand l'attitude devient art." Art and Culture (Paris) 7, no.3 (November), pp.7-11.
Palmer, Julie. "Surface Values: A Review." Art and Design-Contemporary Painting (London), Autumn.
Collings, Matthew. "New Contemporaries at the ICA." City Limits (London), August 15, p.18.
Dorment, Richard. "Painting with a Message." The Daily Telegraph (London), August 9, p.13.
Jennings, Rose. "New Contemporaries, ICA." City Limits (London), January 11.
Kent, Sarah. "New Contemporaries, ICA." Time Out (London), August 7.
McEwen, John. "Artists A-Plenty." The Sunday Telegraph (London), December 8, p.8.
Norrie, Jan. "BT New Contemporaries, ICA, Ikon Gallery." Art Review (London) 43 (April).
Cork, Richard. "New Art Goes Under the Hammer." Telegraph Weekend Magazine (London), March 11.